Index to Pseudo-Christian Cults and Alternative Beliefs on the Web |
I don't necessarily agree with everything found on these pages nor are you likely to agree with everything either. These links are provided for your reference only and to inspire further study.
As the Web is constantly changing, some of these links may not work properly. I would appreciate you letting me know of any difficulties you have with any of these links so that I can keep this as updated as possible.
Controversial Beliefs | Promise Keepers | King James Onlyism | Cult Resources | Paganism |
Mormonism | Jehovah's Witnesses | Roman Catholicism | Baha'i | Freemasonry |
General Cult Resources
Bible Believer's Resource Page
Calvary Chapel Frequently Unanswered Questions Page
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry - Information on a variety of religious subjects: Christianity, Cults, The New Age Movement, Evolution, and more.
Christian Connection - Information about cults, sects, and non-Christian religions.
Christian Research Institute - Christian apologetics and counter cult Ministry
Christian World Index: Apologetics - Very comprehensive list of Apologetics links. Atheism, Science, Evolution, Astrology, New Age, Cults, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism.
The Contenders - To provide information from a Christian perspective on the cults, occult and aberrant Christian teachings.
Cross + Word Christian Resource - Help for those who are standing against deception.
Cult Awareness & Information Centre Directory
Cultic Studies - Recovery Information About Cults and Psychological Manipulation
Cult Research and Evangelism (Christian apologetics defending the Faith from all attacks)
Endtime Deception Homepage - Exposing the Satanic conspiracy of the Illuminati's New World Order
Fundamental Baptist News Service
Gospel Outreach Ministries Online - This website contains numerous apologetic, evangelistic, and devotional articles that seek to provide a rational basis for the validity of the Christian faith, and that apply Gospel principles to Christian life. It also contains important information on some of the major cults of today and methods by which informed Christians can present the gospel to cult members; and research on special theological topics of interest to Christians today.
Guide to the Major Cults
I AM THAT I AM - Abusive ministries
Other Gospels
Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries - A discipleship ministry that helps Christians become biblical literate and strong in the World.
Spiritual Counterfeits Project - Since 1973, the SCP has been a frontline ministry confronting the occult, the cults, and the New Age movement and explaining why they are making an impact on our society. In the name of truth, sophisticated lies are fed to unwary people who live in and shape our world. SCP's mandate is to communicate with our generation by creating crossover material that alerts and informs about the very real dangers of the latest deceptions.
Sword of the Lord - Learn about the dangers of cults, and read former cult members' personal accounts of cult involvement.
Watchman Fellowship Cult Awareness - Christian discernment ministry evaluating cults, occult and new religious movements focusing on Mormonism, the Watchtower and the New Age. Free online magazine and 1,100 entry Index of Cults and Religions.
Christian Answers to Islam
Christian Identity - White supremacist group
End Time Prophetic Vision
Inner City Christian Discernment Ministry- A voice crying out against the varied winds of doctrine which are blowing many believers off course.
Interfaith Working Group - Supports gay rights, reproductive freedom, and the separation of church and state.
The Gnosis Archive - Gnosticism
Seventh Day Adventist
The Urantia Book
The Fellowship for Readers of The Urantia Book
Urantia Book WWW
Roman Catholicism
Biblical Truths in Roman Catholicism?- You decide
Catechism of the Catholic Church
The Catholic Encyclopedia
Catholic Online - Dedicating their online presence to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Catholics United for Life
Catholic Apparitions of Jesus and Mary
Catholic Resources on the Net
Christian Ecclesiology (From a historical perspective)
Christian Liberty - Articles covering the historicity of the Bible, Roman Catholicism, Christianity in American history, and other issues
Christus Rex Web Site
The Fatima Network
Good News for Catholics
The Medjugorje Web - The Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing and giving messages to the world.
New Advent Catholic Supersite
The New Catholic Catechism - by David W. Cloud
Our Lady of the Roses - To spread the Urgent Messages given by the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord Jesus Christ thru the late seer Veronica Lueken at Our Lady's apparition site in Bayside, Queens, New York, USA.
Jubilee 2000 Our Lady of the Roses - How I warned and warned that Satan would enter into the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is...
The Protestant Reformation - From the Catholic perspective.
Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity - SOLT's goal is that all people will experience the peace of living their lives in union with the Trinity through the discipleship of Jesus and Mary.
Tertio Millennio Adveniente [As the Third Millennium Draws Near] - Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II released on November 14, 1994.
The End Days
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